Worship and Music

We Worship each Sunday at 9:30am.  You may join us in-person or via Zoom  For our in-person worship, participants are welcome to wear a mask and socially distance.  We have also purchased a Vollara ActivePure unit for our worship space that provides continuous and proactive surface and air disinfection.  Children are welcome in our worship space and may sit at our children's table if they so desire.  

United Lutheran Church is recognized by Lutherans Concerned as a Reconciling in Christ congregation—we welcome all God's children to worship with us, regardless of sexual orientation or identity.

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Style of Worship. For worship, we pursue a convergent style selecting the best material from a variety of traditions. The contemporary worship elements use an eclectic mix of praise, ethnic, and worship songs. A variety of instrumental ensembles help lead these parts of our worship.

The traditional elements include music and hymns taken from "Evangelical Lutheran Worship." For these parts of our worship, we use the piano and pipe organ as the main instruments. Occasionally, we also use brass and other musical instruments. We do all of this in a liturgical framework.

The Lord's Supper. Communion is offered at all services every week and on Festival Days.

Church Nursery. An attended nursery area for young children is provided during worship services and Sunday school. It is located downstairs in the Sunday School area. The nursery opens at 9:00a.m.

For the health of our church family and the community most meetings will include Zoom access and in-person participants are welcome to wear masks and practice social distancing. Contact us by email or phone if you have questions.

Music Ministry Style

The music ministry of United Lutheran Church is passionately convergent. Our music of worship, prayer, and praise comes from many different times and places, and encompasses many styles.

Many members in the congregation participate in the music, vocally and instrumentally. The choir is open to all adult members of the church, and sings from September through May The choir assists with all the congregational singing and presents a wide variety of special music of all styles.

In the sanctuary there is a lovely tracker action pipe organ and a fine 7-foot Steinway piano. . From time to time guest  singers and instrumentalists musicians join us,

United is blessed with a creative, articulate, opinionated congregation, that sings with gusto, and has a wide variety of musical tastes and preferences.  Pastor Eric Dull, Music Director Philip Bayles, and the active Worship and Music Committee, with  input from the congregation, select and create a wide variety of music for worship.

"Words make you think a thought. Music makes you feel a feeling. A song makes you feel a thought."

E. Y. Harburg

You can find ULC recorded worship services

The channel also features additional music from our Music Director, Philip Bayles.

(Permission to stream the music in our services is granted by ONE LICENSE, License No. A-706756.)